Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Strategies and Tools for Department Chairs and Deans
“Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Strategies and Tools for Department Chairs and Deans,” is a seminar developed specifically for UC Department Chairs and Deans, to foster informed conversation about the best way to build and nurture a productive academic climate. Hosted on the Santa Cruz campus on December 3, 2014, the seminar combined research and data with a theatre scenario on the merit review process.
The seminar is sponsored by UC President Napolitano as part of the Presidential Initiative in support of the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP), which enhances UC’s efforts to serve a diverse state and nation by building diverse post-doc and faculty communities.
The agenda and seminar materials follow.
1. Agenda
2. Playbill
3. Case Studies
4. Data Sheet
6. Solorzano Powerpoint Slides
7. Racial Microaggressions Defined (Solorzano & Perez-Huber)
8. I Too Am Harvard article (referenced in Solorzano's presentation)
9. Sotomayor Dissent (referenced in Solorzano's presentation)
10. Critical Race Theory Racial Microaggressions and Campus Racial Climate: The Experiences of African American College Students (referenced in Solorzano's presentation)
11. Tool for Identifying Implicit Bias: Awareness of Common Shortcuts
12. Tool for Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send
13. Tool for Interrupting Microaggressions
15. National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Flyer