Program External Review
As a matter of policy, the campus conducts periodic external reviews of all academic degree programs. Among other things, program reviews serve as important evidence to accrediting and public agencies that the university is engaged in a continuous program of critical self-examination and evaluation.
The objective of the external review is to inform the administration, the academic senate, and public agencies of the following:
- The overall quality and direction of the research, scholarship and creative activity of the faculty, in comparison with other nationally ranked research universities.
- The overall quality and direction of the department’s graduate programs.
- The overall quality and direction of the department’s undergraduate programs, including curriculum, teaching, and co-curricular activities.
- The advisability and efficacy of changes in the short-term and long-term resource allocations to the department.
Program reviews emphasize the department’s plans for growth and improvement of instruction and scholarship, in the context of its current strengths and recent accomplishments. Program reviews also address any issues of departmental governance that bear upon the department’s ability to conduct its core mission.
Specific details can be found in the Academic Programs Review Procedures; a summary of the process is outlined below.
An Academic Program External Review Schedule is available, as of December 19, 2024.
Pre-Campus Visit Process

The department self-study must be submitted to the overseeing dean by May 1st of the year prior to the review visit. No later than September 1 of the year of review, the dean shall distribute the departmental self-study, the universal charge and transmittal letter, and divisional supplemental comments to the Academic Senate and VPAA, copying the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies (VPDGS) and Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education (VPDUE). Any supplemental questions from the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (VPAA), Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies (VPDGS), Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education (VPDUE), or Senate must be received by the dean no later than November 15 of the year of review. In parallel with the submission of the self-study, the department nominates to the dean a slate of respected scholars whose standing and expertise are best suited to address the issues raised by the self-study and supplementary comments. The overseeing dean may add additional nominees and shall formally recommend a final list to the VPAA. The VPAA approves the list submitted by the dean prior to appointment or contact, formal or informal, of any ERC candidate. All communication between the department and ERC members is managed by the overseeing dean’s office.
Campus Visit Process

The overseeing dean is responsible for scheduling the campus visit, including all meetings. The division or school is also responsible for providing staffing and other support as requested. The dean shall ask the ERC to electronically submit a review report within four weeks of their visit. The review report should address the charge, and any supplemental comments received, and should be based upon the self-study and the interviews. Following receipt of the report, the dean is responsible for immediate distribution to the department chair, copying the vice provost for academic affairs (VPAA), the vice provost and dean of graduate studies (VPDGS), the vice provost and dean of undergraduate education (VPDUE), and the Academic Senate.
Closure Process

The ERC’s report shall be submitted to the overseeing dean. The dean is responsible for immediate distribution to the department chair, copying the vice provost for academic affairs (VPAA), vice provost and dean of graduate studies (VPDGS), vice provost and dean of undergraduate education (VPDUE), and the Academic Senate Office. The department shall submit to the dean a written response to the review report within four weeks. Department response deadline’s falling in summer will be extended into fall quarter. Within two weeks of receiving the departmental response, the dean shall prepare the divisional or school response and submit it, with the department’s response, to the VPAA, VPDGS, VPDUE, and the Academic Senate Office. The Senate review the report and provide written comments to the VPAA. The VPAA’s office is responsible for scheduling the closure meeting no earlier than six weeks following receipt of the dean’s response. The conclusions of the meeting will result in the closure report which will be written by the VPAA within one month of the meeting. The VPAA shall transmit the report to the CP/EVC with copies to the Chancellor, relevant units and the Academic Senate.
Mid-Cycle Process

The overseeing dean shall implement or otherwise address recommended actions and monitor conditions placed by Senate committees and/or the administration on the department. No later than two years subsequent to the closure report, the department chair shall prepare a response to any specific questions appended to the closure letter. Chairs shall consult with relevant faculty constituencies in preparing the response. The dean shall submit the department’s mid-cycle update report to the vice provost for academic affairs (VPAA) with a copy to the department. The VPAA transmits the mid-cycle update to the vice provost and dean of graduate studies (VPDGS), the vice provost and dean of undergraduate education (VPDUE), and the Academic Senate. Contingent on concerns addressed in the mid-cycle update report, the VPAA recommends to the Senate the schedule for the department’s subsequent review.
Contact information
For assistance or more information, please contact Senior Academic Planning Analyst Mary Laurence at malauren@ucsc.edu.