The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Herbie Lee, is among the principal academic advisors to the Campus Provost.
The office of Academic Affairs is responsible for the following:
Academic Personnel
Provides analysis to the Campus Provost on faculty personnel matters; works with the Academic Senate and other appropriate campus organizations to improve the academic personnel process; represents the Campus Provost to the Senate Committee on Academic Personnel.
Academic Personnel Office
UCSC Faculty Salary Equity Reports (January 2015, October 2018, April 2022)
Academic Planning
Provides leadership in overall campus academic planning; evaluates proposals for new programs; advises the Campus Provost on faculty positions and other resource allocations.
New Program Development
Instructional Workload Policy
Academic Program External Review
Oversees external review of campus academic programs and departments.
Academic Program External Reviews
Serves as the Accreditation Liaison Officer for the campus to the WASC Senior College and University Commission.
Campus Accreditation
Provides oversight on the assessment of student learning at the program and course levels, with attention to equity of outcomes.
Assessment for Learning Excellence & Equity Center
Faculty Development and Support
Provides oversight for programs aimed to provide professional development opportunities and provide support for faculty.
Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowships
Faculty Community Networks (FCN)
SEA Change Initiative
Provides oversight on faculty-focused campus-wide initiatives surrounding our commitment to systemic transformation to support individuals from all backgrounds to succeed.
SEA Change Initiative
Student Experience of Teaching Surveys (SETS)
Oversees campus activity regarding student experience of teaching surveys.
Student Experience of Teaching Surveys (SETS)
The Teaching & Learning Center
Provides strategic oversight for the The Teaching & Learning Center.
The Teaching & Learning Center