UC Santa Cruz is a charter member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s STEMM Equity Achievement (SEA) Change Initiative.
This initiative aims to advance institutional transformation supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in universities, especially in the STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) fields. At this time, the transformation emphasizes and focuses on faculty and involves a self-assessment and action plan.
On February 18, 2024, UCSC received a SEA Change Bronze Award, the first in a series of awards that recognize institutions for their commitment to a long-term, sustainable transformation in STEMM through self-assessment.
The campus’ commitment to disability inclusion and access was highlighted as a distinguishing feature of our ongoing work and Bronze Award action plan.
A brief summary of the work being done through this initiative can be found below.
Please reach out to VPAA Herbie Lee at vpaa@ucsc.edu with any questions.

Bronze Award Action Plan – Progress Updates
Faculty with Disabilities Workgroup
Improve the recruitment, hiring, and retention of faculty with disabilities at UC Santa Cruz.
In progress – The workgroup conducted a report to better understand the scope of the barriers to hiring and retaining faculty with disabilities. Actions from the plan are being implemented.
Faculty Equity Advocate (FEA) program
Increase the diversity of the UC Santa Cruz faculty through inclusive hiring and retention practice so they represent the population of California and our students. This program involves 10 faculty members, two in each of the five disciplinary divisions, who are working towards improving both recruitment and retention of faculty on our campus.
Completed – FEA program launched. More information available on the Faculty Equity Advocates webpage.
Inclusive Hiring for Unit 18 lecturers
Explore which Academic Senate recruitment practices can be applied to lecturer recruitments with the aim to increase the diversity of Unit 18 lecturers at UC Santa Cruz.
Planning Stages – Plan will be created in the 2024-25 academic year.
Short-term waivers of recruitment for GSIs
Create a specific waiver of recruitment to allow the hiring of recently graduated graduate student instructors as lecturers in the summer after their graduation.
Completed – More information is available on the Academic Personnel Office website.
Creation of a standing faculty salary equity review process
Create a process whereby faculty can request a salary equity review that can look holistically at faculty salaries in terms of performance and pay equity.
Completed – In agreement with the Santa Cruz Faculty Association, the campus has committed to implementing the 2022 Senate Salary Equity Program at least once every five years (subject to funding availability).
Example service portfolios commonly considered in personnel review
Include a means to include traditionally invisible labor, including service labor, more visible within the campus review process through the use of portfolios.
In progress
Divisional Faculty Networking groups
Relaunch the Physical and Biological Sciences pilot STEM-centered “macro” faculty networking group, potentially extending that networking group to engineering faculty.
Planning stages
Department chair workshop
Develop an intensive 2-day summer retreat in equity-minded leadership for department chairs
Completed – Offered annually
Family-friendly guidance
Create a document on family-friendly guidance and practices to better accommodate family-related considerations for department chairs.
In progress
Lactation Rooms
Create up-to-date and accurate information about lactation rooms on campus, including locations and description of rooms and available equipment that is publicly available and easily accessible.
In progress – lactations rooms have inspected and remodeled if needed, and the campus map is now up to date. A new website is in progress.
Review of inclusive hiring practices
Review the pilot program requiring faculty applicants to submit a statement of contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion. If the data demonstrates that faculty diversity has improved since the pilot was initiated, solidify it as a permanent requirement.
Completed – Statements of contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion have been institutionalized in UC Santa Cruz’s faculty hiring process.
Divisional surveys
In collaboration with the vice chancellor of diversity, equity, and inclusion, extend the divisional faculty climate survey studies currently run in Physical and Biological Sciences and Baskin Engineering to the Divisions of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
Planning stages
Campus Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategic plan
The vice chancellor for diversity, equity, and inclusion will lead a collaborative process to formulate a Campus DEI Strategic Plan.
In progress