External Review Closure Process Map

External Review Closure Process

External Review Closure Process

The ERC's report shall be submitted to the overseeing dean. The dean is responsible for immediate distribution to the department chair, copying the vice provost for academic affairs (VPAA), vice provost and dean of graduate studies (VPDGS), vice provost and dean of undergraduate education (VPDUE), and the Academic Senate Office. The department shall submit to the dean a written response to the review report within four weeks. Department response deadline's falling in summer will be extended into fall quarter. Within two weeks of receiving the departmental response, the dean shall prepare the divisional or school response and submit it, with the department's response, to the VPAA, VPDGS, VPDUE, and the Academic Senate Office. The Senate review the report and provide written comments to the VPAA. The VPAA's office is responsible for scheduling the closure meeting no earlier than six weeks following receipt of the dean's response. The conclusions of the meeting will result in the closure report which will be written by the VPAA within one month of the meeting. The VPAA shall transmit the report to the CP/EVC with copies to the Chancellor, relevant units and the Academic Senate.