Process for New Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition Program

New Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition Program

Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition Program Approval Process

Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition (PDST) is additional mandatory tuition assessed to students in graduate professional degree programs. Any faculty group may develop a proposal for a new PDST degree program. Program approval mirrors the process for a new graduate degree program, including proposal format, systemwide review, and approval by the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA), however a PDST proposal is necessary in addition to the curricular proposal. The PDST proposal must accompany the complete curricular proposal when it is submitted to the Senate. Campus and systemwide budget office review are required; the proposing faculty must consult the VPAA and the Office of Planning and Budget. The VPAA approval announcement will stipulate the program's effective term.