Announcement: Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Suzanne Alonzo
The Division of Academic Affairs is pleased to announce the appointment of Suzanne Alonzo, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, as the new Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs. Suzanne’s appointment is effective January 1, 2024. Her portfolio will primarily focus on faculty leadership development and program learning outcome assessment.
Suzanne brings experience as a Senior Faculty Associate and previous Faculty Fellow of the Teaching and Learning Center, including leading workshops on inclusive mentoring. She also brings experience as a trained facilitator and certified coach, including leadership coaching for department chairs and other leaders in higher education through Academic Impressions. Suzanne also has experience with inclusive leadership and its role in increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Suzanne’s academic research combines theory and empirical data to examine how social interactions and behavioral plasticity affect reproductive patterns in animals, especially fish. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the current President of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology.