Award Recipients


Reza Goljani Amirkhiz, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; mentored by Erika Zavaleta in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Julisa Lopez, Psychology; mentored by Rebecca Covarrubias in Psychology

Emma Steigerwald, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; co-mentored by Beth Shapiro in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Ed Green in Biomolecular Engineering


Bianca De Sanctis, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; mentored by Professor Beth Shapiro in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Armín Fardís, History of Consciousness; mentored by Professor Eric Porter in History

Erica M. Ferrer, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; mentored by Professor Kristi Kroeker in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Grace Alexandrino-Ocaña, Anthropology; mentored by Professor Jon Daehnke in Anthropology

Halima Kazem, Film and Digital Media; mentored by Professor Shelley Stamp in Film and Digital Media

Cinthya Martinez, Latin American and Latino Studies; mentored by Professor Sylvanna Falcón in Latin American and Latino Studies

Jess L. Sevetson, Genomics Institute; mentored by Professors Sofie Salama and David Haussler in Genetics Institute 


Noemie Globus, Astronomy and Astrophysics; mentored by Professor Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Jaime Pérez González, Linguistics; mentored by Associate Professor Ryan Bennett in Linguistics

Jen Elana Quick-Cleveland, Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology; mentored by Distinguished Research Professor Manuel Ares in Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology, and Professors Rachel Meyer and Beth Shapiro in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Katherine (Wren) Suess, Astronomy and Astrophysics; mentored by Professor Brant Robertson in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Michelle C. Velasquez-Potts, History of Consciousness; mentored by Associate Professor Banu Bargu in History of Consciousness


No fellowship awards were granted this year.


Roxanne Beltran, Ecology and Evoluationary Biology; mentored by Professor Daniel Costa in Ecology and Evoluationary Biology

Shelbi Russell, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology; mentored by Professor William Sullivan in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology

Michael Gil, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; mentored by Professor Peter Raimondi in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Emily Martin, Astronomy and Astrophysics; mentored by Andy Skemer, Assistant Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics


Stephanie Sallum, Astronomy and Astrophysics; mentored by Professor Claire Max in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Jennifer Fribourgh, Chemistry and Biochemistry; mentored by Professor Seth Rubin and Carrie Partch in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry